Can you automate the role of a CEO or at least part of it?
In just 11 minutes, read this whitepaper to get an idea of what can be automated and how that helps the company compete.
It is possible to automate or at least partially automate every job - this document will cover some of the aspects of automatable jobs.
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What are the tasks and functions within a job that can be automated effectively?
This whitepaper covers how it is possible to break down any job into individual tasks to be completed or 'Jobs to be done - which can then be mapped to the cognitive, language and social skills required. With this breakdown, you can see a pattern that many job functions have components that have the potential to be Automated.

What is in the short whitepaper?

What % of jobs, or more precisely what % of tasks to be completed, can be automated? And why does the CEO job also have components that can be automated

How do you break down a job into 'tasks to be completed and then map these to the cognitive capabilities that an automation has to possess

Examples of tasks within job roles that can be automated using today's technologies, why both doctors, clerks, and CEOS's can be augmented with automation